April 17, 2012


"There are many voices today calling to our children: TV, books, magazines, the internet, friends and school can all be mouthpieces for the "sinful woman" described in Proverbs, enticing our children away from what's right.  We can't isolate them forever, so how can we prepare them?"

Join us at the Thursday Moms Group this week as we discuss Chapter 9 of our study, 'The word and other voices' based on Proverbs 4:1-9.  We will look at how we can shape WHAT younger children watch and HOW older children watch.

Consider these questions for reflection:

  • Talk to your children about their favorite programs.  Which programs do they like?  Why do they like them?

  • Keep a record of your children's television watching.  What does it reveal?

  • What limits do you put on your children's TV and film watching?  What reasons can you give for putting the limits there?  How will you respond to the fact that another family lets their children watch things you don't?

  • What has helped you think about the films you watch and the books you read?  How can you teach your children to think in the same way?

  • When do your children hear the voice of God?  When do your children hear the voice of the world?  Whose voice do they hear most?

We will meet this Thursday April 19th from 9.30 - 11.30am at 2/F Island ECC.  Refreshments and childcare provided.  Newcomers always welcome.

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