Join us at the Thursday Moms Group this week as we discuss Chapter 6 of our study, 'Grace for a Child's Heart' based on Luke 15:11-32. We will look at practical ways we can communicate grace in our discipline such as:
- Discipline and then stop - don't make them feel they have to earn their way back into your good books.
- Always show acceptance - there should be no hint of rejection. Discipline then cuddle.
- Watch your own heart - discipline out of love not retaliation.
- Don't use bribery to control your children - the true reward for doing the right thing is that it pleases Mummy & Daddy and ultimately, God.
- Make sure your child knows you discipline them because you love them - not to make them into someone you will find lovable.
- Don't put other people down - it's a sign of legalism and self-righteous pride.
- Don't compare your children to other children - whether for better or worse.
- Say sorry to your children when you don't get it right.
- Above all, bring your children to the cross.
Here are some questions for reflection:
- Think of some parents you admire. What makes them great parents?
- What tendencies towards legalism can you detect in your own life?
- When was the last time you said sorry to your children?
- When was the last time you talked about the cross with your children? What opportunities can you think of to talk about the cross with your children?
- What struggles are your children facing at the moment? What opportunities do these struggles offer for your child's spiritual development? What could you do to help them grow in this area?
We will meet this Thursday March 15 from 9.30 - 11.30am at 2/F Island ECC. Refreshments and childcare provided. Newcomers always welcome!
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