The Thursday Moms Bible Study group meets every Thursday morning from 9.30 am - 11.30 am at Island ECC, 2/F 633 Kings Road.  All Moms are welcome to join us as we meet together to build friendships and encourage one another, and to learn and grow together to be the Moms God is calling us to be.

This term we are studying 'The Gospel-Centered Family' by Ed Moll and Tim Chester.  

Our meetings start with a time of chatting over coffee and snacks, followed by time together in a large group before dividing into our smaller discussion groups.  You are invited to join a discussion group with other Moms who have children of a similar age to your own:  Block A is for Moms with infants and preschoolers, Block B is for Moms with children in primary school, and Block C is for Moms with children entering the teenage years and beyond.

Children's activities are arranged in our Kids Club area on 9/F so please do feel free to bring your infants and children with you.  They have a fun program of play, craft, stories and songs while us Moms are meeting together.

There are many ways to get involved in the group such as bringing along refreshments, helping with childcare, serving coffee and leading discussions.  If you have volunteered already please check the rota to see when you are on.

Newcomers are welcome at any time and we would love to have you join us.  Please check our events page for details of our next meeting and come along, or email Carol at for further information.