February 14, 2012


“What are your hopes for your children?  A good career?  A comfortable lifestyle?  Safety and good health?  Their own home?  A happy marriage?  Grandchildren?  Often our true values are revealed in the expectations we have for our children.”
Come along to the Thursday Moms Group this week as we discuss how we can align our hopes for our children with Scripture.  We will be looking at Chapter 2 of our new study ‘Gospel-Centered Family’.  Titled ‘Gospel-Centered Hopes’ it is based on Deuteronomy 6:4-9.  
Here are the questions for reflection as we prepare for this week’s study:
- When your children look at your life, what do they see matters most to you?
- When your children hear you pray, what do they hear matters most to you?
- What do you praise your children for most?
- When do your children see or hear you extolling the surpassing greatness of Christ?
- Do the things you buy for your children and the activities you provide for them teach your children to find joy in ways that distract them from enjoying God?
- Does your life prompt your children to ask questions about God?
- Are you protecting your children from Christian service or preparing your children for Christian service?
We will meet this Thursday February 16 from 9.30 – 11.30am at 2/F Island ECC.  Refreshments and childcare provided. Newcomers always welcome!

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